Multimedia is media that combine two or more media elements consisting of text, graphics, images, photos, audio, and animation are integrated. Multimedia is divided into two categories, namely: linear multimedia, and interactive multimedia. Linear Multimedia is a multimedia controller is not equipped with any device that can be operated by the user. Multimedia is running sequential (sequence), for example, TV and movies.
Interactive Multimedia is a multimedia controller is equipped with tools that can be operated by users, so users can choose what you want to proceed. Examples of interactive multimedia are: a multimedia interactive learning, gaming applications, etc..
While learning is defined as the process of creating an environment enabling the learning process. So the main thing is learning how students learn. Learning in the sense of mental activity of students in interacting with the environment that produces behavioral changes that are relatively constant. Thus becomes an important aspect in learning activities and learning is the environment. How can this environment be created by arranging the elements so it can change the behavior of students.
From the above description it can be concluded that the multimedia learning can be defined as multimedia applications used in the learning process, in other words to deliver a message (knowledge, skills and attitudes) and can stimulate the thoughts, feelings, concerns and willingness to learn so deliberate process of learning occur, aiming and control.
Benefits of Multimedia Learning
In general, the benefits to be gained is the learning process more interesting, more interactive, the amount of teaching time can be reduced, the quality of learning can be improved, and the learning process can be done anywhere and anytime, as well as the attitude of student learning can be improved.
While the advantages of multimedia pembelajarn is as follows.
- Enlarge objects that are very small and not visible to the eye, such as germs, bacteria, electrons, and others.
- Minimize the very large objects, which can not be presented in schools, such as elephants, houses, mountains and others.
- Presenting objects or events are complex, complicated and takes place sooner or later, such as the human body system, the workings of a machine, the circulation of the planet Mars, growing flowers and others.
- Presenting a distant object or event, like the moon, stars, snow, and others.
- Presenting a dangerous object or event, such as volcanic eruptions, tigers, and other toxins.
- Enhance the attractiveness and interest of students.
(quoted from the Book Panduan Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran-Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas Direktorat Jenderal Manjemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2007)